Sex offenses can damage a person’s reputation and character even if they are founded on completely inaccurate evidence or testimony. The implications of being charged with sex offenses could serve to damage your career, education, relationships and even your family life. Prompt action is required if any type of charges are or will be brought against you for sexual offenses.
I understand the consequences of sex offenses and have nearly 2 decades of experience successfully managing such cases. Put the worry and stress of actual or threatened charges in my hands and let my office work on your behalf to resolve the issue as quickly and favorably as possible – in many cases without ever going to trial. Protecting your name and personal freedoms and security is a time sensitive, critical task that you should only trust to a seasoned legal professional. I can help you mount considerable and successful defenses against alleged sex offenses such as:

*Position of trust sex offenses essentially refer to crimes where a person abuses their position of trust in order to gain sexual favors or coerce an individual into sex acts. These crimes are often levied against parents, teachers, clergy, law enforcement, medical or other professionals with a perceived or actual position of authority that is allegedly used to inappropriately engage in sexual acts with others within the sphere of influence of that authority.
*Non-consensual sexual crimes including “date rape,” sex with an intoxicated person, rape, sexual assault, and other types of sexual offenses that fall into the non-consensual category.
*Psychological sex offenses are often the most difficult to prove in a courtroom, but they can also be difficult to defend against if your attorney is not experienced in these matters and understands complex laws related to sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure and other types of sexual crimes.
Sex offenses are serious and warrant prompt legal intervention. Even if you haven’t been charged with anything yet, if you suspect that you might be it is critical to seek counsel now. The sooner you get a professional involved, the more likely it is that you’ll achieve a desirable outcome.
My goal is to provide you with formidable resources and expertise to assist you in creating the best possible results from a sex offense case. What happens next could very well depend on what action you take, and when. Call the number at the top of your screen for an immediate consultation right now.