JAMA Study: Marijuana Reduces Prescription Drug Deaths

MarijuanaYet another study has been published showing medicinal marijuana benefits have even broader positive impact than expected.

It seems in states where medicinal use is legal, there is a significant drop in reported deaths and overdoses from legal prescription drugs; drugs marijuana has in many instances replaced in patient therapy. It’s safer, has far less negative side effects and is readily available at a cost people can actually afford.

Researchers looked at medical marijuana laws and death certificate data in all 50 states between 1999 and 2010. During that time, just 13 states had medical marijuana laws in place.

“We found there was about a 25% lower rate of prescription painkiller overdose deaths on average after implementation of a medical marijuana law,” lead study author Dr. Marcus Bachhuber said.

The author of the study runs the Philadelphia Veterans Administration, hardly a radical hippie who’s looking for an excuse to get high.  It’s time to let Doctors and patients make informed choices and decisions about medical treatment, not corporations with a clear profit motive and the politicians in Washington they buy with those profits.

Read the full CNN Report Here.

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