Pennsylvania State Nurses Association backs legalizing medical marijuana

The US Stance on Medical Marijuana is Confusing at Best
The support for medicinal cannabis continues to grow. The American Nurses Association endorsed cannabis as a treatment option in 2008. Its 2008 position further clarified its decade long support for the medical efficacy of marijuana. It said “(t)he evidence demonstrates a connection between therapeutic use of marijuana and symptom relief. The American Nurses Association actively supports patients’ rights to legally and safely utilize marijuana for symptom management and health care practitioners’ efforts to promote quality of life for patients needing such therapy.” The Pennsylvania State Nurses Association endorsed medical marijuana in advance of the January 28, 2014, hearing on Senate Bill 1182, Pennsylvania’s medicinal marijuana bill. In its statement it said “‘We believe prescribers — including licensed nurse practitioners — should have all of the drugs that deliver any kind of clinically effective results available to use,’ said Betsy Snook, an RN and CEO of the association.”

Read the full report Here.

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